Special Educational Needs

At Next Level Learning, we are keen to support children and young people
with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). All of our staff have
experience in working with SEND, and many of them have additional training
and qualifications to further support children and young people. Training
opportunities in specialist areas are accessed by tutors throughout the year,
often delivered by our very own SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities Coordinator).

Some of the courses accessed and completed by our tutors include the SEND
Certificate, Understanding Autism and Trauma-Informed Awareness.
We have SENDCo support available and, for a small additional cost, we can
work with the referrer to help build a delivery plan that’s unique to the child,
and one that supports the tutor in catering for specific individual learning needs.
This will be done by unpicking the needs of a child or young person through the
EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan), or reports and assessments provided
by the referring school. Our SENDCo will welcome information from the referring
school’s SEND department, to ensure we get the maximum progress from our

Our dedicated SENDCo support helps to ensure that the extra provisions we
deliver to our SEND pupils correspond exactly to the requirements set out in their
individual EHCPs, addressing all potential barriers to learning and implementing
strategies to enhance personal development and progression.
This is to help empower our young people with Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities to achieve their maximum potential, whilst appropriately managing
their anxieties, conditions and range of behaviours.